Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Italian Renaissance and the Northern European Renaissance Essay

The Italian Renaissance and the Northern European Renaissance - Essay Example Commerce introduced the artistic ideas in the Northern Europe region.Both regions used the guild system, which was based on lessons on the craft. This involved painting and sculptures. According to Earls, the guild system was a regulatory system for any artistic work (34). In this regard, every artistic presentation had to be in agreement with the Guild. This is to make sure that the artwork produced was of high quality. Essentially, this meant that the rehearsals on various forms of art had to be tireless and time-consuming. After accepting the artworks, the Guild still continued to measure the artistic practices and standards. Another similarity is that both the north and Italy had unique artistic centers in their regions.   In this regard, the Italian’s center was the Republic of Florence while the center for the North was Flanders. This was a section of the Duchy of the Burgundy. The Florence City, which was the center of art for the Italian Renaissance was controlled by the Medici family. The members of Medici family were responsible for bringing wealth to Florence. According to Nici, Cosimo de’ Medici, established a library, which was full of the Greek and Roman manuscripts (Nici 47). This legend noticeably involved Italian artists and philosophers. This group helped in the changing of Florence to a cultural center. The Italian Renaissance was focused on individualism. An example of this was ‘Masaccio’s Trinity with the virgin’, which was highly recognized with the Italian Renaissance.   The other likeness of Italy and the North was their use of religion in their artistic works. Incidentally, religious scenes were always displayed to show the love of religion. The artworks of the religious scenes from the Italian Renaissance were â€Å"the last supper† and â€Å"the creation†. The northern Europe Renaissance examples are â€Å"Adam and Eve†, and the â€Å"Mystic Lamb†. Both renaissances were sharp in their artistic works.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Compare Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Compare Romeo and Juliet Essay Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice are two of the most admirable and exquisite works ever written about the struggling love of two opposing forces. The novels have had a great literary importance and give us a sense of love and marriage on its most bewildered journey during the Elizabethan Era and the Napoleonic wars. Even though these two novels are from two different eras and are quite divergent as a result of it, this essay will argue that both Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice are indubitable similar in the concern of love and marriage. Firstly, this essay will present a short amount of background regarding love and marriage during the Elizabethan era and in the turn of the nineteenth century. Secondly, the essay will talk about the comparison and distinction in love and marriage present in the novels. Thirdly, this essay will discuss and hopefully conclude with the chosen thesis. During the Elizabethan era women were subservient to men and they were raised not to consider otherwise. They were expected to marry whomever the father would hold appropriate. The Scottish protestant leader John Knox wrote â€Å"Women in her greatest perfection was made to serve and obey man.( Alchin, L.K. Elizabethan Women.) The marriages were arranged to create alliances with other powerful families which becomes the obvious environment in the play about Romeo and Juliet. Love was not significant between a man and a woman. Instead the importance of financial security and a life in everlastingly safety was prioritized through the marriage of a wealthy suitor. In the play by Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is being arranged to marry Paris, a kinsman of the prince, a well suited husband for her despite of her disapproval. As Paris speaks â€Å"God shield I should disturb devotion!—Juliet, on Thursday early will I rouse ye.(kisses her) Till then, adieu, and keep this hol y kiss.† ( Romeo and Juliet, 4.1 William Shakespeare) This is not a marriage for love and this typical prejudice of marriage is also highly present in Jane Austen’s book Pride and Prejudice. One of the characters Charlotte amongst other, is utterly convinced of a socially ideal marriage which was the most common way to unite in the turn of the nineteenth century. â€Å"I am not romantic, you know; I never was. I ask only a comfortable home; and considering Mr. Collinss character,  connection, and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state. (Chapter 22. Page 193. Pride and Prejudice. N.p.: Planet Pdf). Most women decided to marry rather than depend on other family members for financial support. Due to this choice or lack thereof, love and passion were presumed to be less essential in people’s lives. Charlotte’s quote expresses more or less the plight woman had throughout the turn of the nineteenth century. It’s very likely that the Author of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen intentionally tried to reveal woman’s position in love and marriage as they were. Shakespeare on the other hand probably had a slightly different agenda which was mainly to please the audiences. All though it is important to note that Shakespeare pre sumably wrote about this social decay because he did not approve of what was going on at the time. We might say that this includes the social condition of women and their meager rights in love and marriage. â€Å"Get thee a good husband, and use him as he uses thee.†(Alls Well That Ends Well 1.1.212-13) In Romeo and Juliet the matter of love dominates the play.† My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. (Romeo and Juliet 2.2, William Shakespeare). Love in this play is simply not one-sided. There is puppy love or shallow love which is the love Romeo has for Rosalie, merely drawn to her appearances’. This view of love is also present in the novel Pride and Prejudice. One of the main characters Mr. Darcy speaks of the woman who later becomes his wife She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me;† (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice,Planet Pdf p.14 Ch. 3) Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice are both acclaimed love stories which center around a man and a woman and their love for each other. The other characters seem to play their important role converging upon these lovers or lovers to be. In both stories we see a strong opposing love due to a distinctness of social class as occurring in Pride and Prejudice between the middle class, the Bennett’s and the Aristocrats Darcy’s and new money the Bingley’s. In Romeo and Juliet the antagonistic love is more defined as a feud between two power ful families who will not by any circumstances find peace with each other. â€Å"Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.† (Romeo and  Juliet, Prologue p.7 William Shakespeare). The House of Montegue and the House of Capulet are the two families who are sworn enemies, never to reconcile until Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. Nevertheless both the novel and the play have in common the opposing forces set in the story. These two main characters should not be together in love as a result of society’s rules. They both defy society’s instructions and give in to love rather than reason. This way of writing was probably intentional by Shakespeare considering the Renaissance period was also about universal order as in Humanism which was a significant factor in general in Shakespeare’s plays.( Renaissance Humanism and Shakespeare†.) Both Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice paint marriage as one of life’s most important choices. Even though this is the case, it is considerably important to envision that Pride and Prejudice has a slightly closer focus on family over husband whereas Romeo and Juliet leans more toward love for husband over family in my opinion. The reason for this is the personalities of the women in the Novel and the Play. Both Juliet and Elizabeth are strong female characters who are being presented as very respectable human beings despite their flaws. In a way we can say that both authors, Jane Austen and William Shakespeare speak for the women at that time and their difficult situations in love and marriage. Passion, love and hate is also a common denominator in these stories. These three words as a whole provide us with an overall understanding of these books. Passion as source of consistency, love as a diversity present in different elements, and hate as an opposition to love to create balance. All though there are quite a few similarities between the novel and the play, there are also a few contrasts present in the books which are important to consider in an analysis of love and marriage. The play Romeo and Juliet has an overwhelming amount of overpowering force of love in it which supersedes everything. The love Romeo and Juliet has for each other is almost obsessive, and self-destructive as a result of it. (â€Å"Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers eyes; Being vexd a sea nourishd with lovers tears: What is it else? a madness most discreet, A choking gall and a preserving sweet.† ( Romeo and Juliet, 1.1, William Shakespeare.) Romeo speaks of love as he has read in books, but unlikely experienced. Romeo’s passionate feelings develop into a deadly love at the end of the play when the couple’s  tragic destiny prevails and they both die by their own hands. Pride and Prejudice do not have this uncontrol lable intense love. The novel focuses more on the achievement of marriage and stability in life, financial and the image of respectability rather than the passionate lusty love. It is important to remember that love is also one of the themes of Pride and Prejudice and that the love in which the main characters Darcy and Elizabeth have for each other at the end of the novel is some of the reasons why this book is so successful. Even though the excessive love is more present in the play about Romeo and Juliet as a result of their lawless passion as archetypal lovers, it is relatively different than what we see in Pride and Prejudice. Both stories have a background of society’s expectation in love and marriage such as Juliet’s arranged marriage to Paris and Elizabeth’s friend Charlotte’s marriage to Mr. Collins an overbearing, and ridiculous heir to the entailed Bennett’s estate. In the play about Romeo and Juliet they are being referred to as star-crossed lovers â€Å"Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes .A pair of star-crossd lovers take their life; Whose misadventurd piteous overthrows. Doth with their death bury their parents strife.( Romeo and Juliet, the Prologue. p.7, William Shakespeare,) The stars functions as an opposition to Romeo and Juliet’s destiny and is there-for an indication of a not intended univ ersal love as we can see clearly at the tragic end of the play followed by the death of the two young lovers. Pride and Prejudice have a slightly different ending. It has lot more satisfying completion where the two main characters finally can live a fulfilled life together despite the society’s heavy burden of commandment which the reader of the novel was most likely able to anticipate through-out the novel. We see that Romeo and Juliet and Pride and Prejudice have an evident distinction at the end of the two books towards the consideration of meaning. Clearly Romeo and Juliet is a forced equation whereas Darcy and Elisabeth are more likely to be predestined. By analyzing some of the similarities and contrasts in love and marriage in the two books I find the similarities no more substantial than the contrasts. This might be a result of the underlying elements that keep on grasping the connections as we see it. Some of the leading aspects of this influence are the love against all odds in Romeo and Juliet versus the more  predestined version in Pride and Prejudice. Another important element is shallow love which presents it-self in both books through the ignorance of the characters. We see similarities in the society’s established rules of marriage and the characters capability to oppose to these â€Å"decrees†. Then again there is an over-powering and obsessive force of love in Romeo and Juliet which is not accounted for in Pride and Prejudice. Due to these almost completely balanced analogies and divergences I cannot conclude with the chosen thesis and instead I accept the equity of exceptional authorship. Work cited Alchin, L.K. Elizabethan Women. Elizabethan Women., 16 May 2012. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. Shakespeare, William, Barbara A. Mowat, and Paul Werstine. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. New York: Simon Schuster Paperbacks, 2011. Print. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. N.p.: Planet Pdf, n.d. Http:// Planet Pdf. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. Alls Well That Ends Well: Entire Play. Alls Well That Ends Well: Entire Play. Http://, n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. Renaissance Humanism and Shakespeare. Http:// The Sailor Foundation, n.d. Web.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Discuss Some Of The Main Ideas Essay -- essays research papers fc

Sigmund Freud considered himself a scientist whose intention was to find a physiological and materialist basis for his theories of the psyche. Freud revolutionised the way in which we think about ourselves. From its beginnings as a theory of neurosis, Freud founded and developed psychoanalysis into a general psychology, which became widely accepted as the predominant mode of discussing personality, behaviour and interpersonal relationships. Freud, who had been studying neuropathology, left Vienna in 1885 to continue his studies in Paris under the guidance of Jean Martin Charcot. This proved to be the turning point in his career, for Charcot’s work with patients classified as â€Å"hysterics† introduced Freud to the possibility that psychological disorders might have their source in the mind rather than the brain. Charcot’s hypnotic experiments demonstrated the link between hysterical symptoms such as paralysis of a limb and hypnotic suggestions to cure the paralysis. Although Freud later abandoned his faith in hypnosis, hypnotic experiments taught Freud that mental processes that took place unconsciously could have a powerful effect on behaviour. It was Freud who drew our attention to the unconscious mind. If we liken the mind to an iceberg, the nine tenths below the surface is the unconscious in which there are many mental processes going on that we have little control of. Our conscious mind is above the surface; it is what we are fully aware of and contains our perception, thought and memory. Freud also spoke of the preconscious which might include material put out of our conscious mind but which may be retrievable. Freudian psychoanalytical theory states that there are three agencies of the human personality. Below the surface is our â€Å"id†, these are our social and biological instincts such as hunger, thirst and self-preservation. The id seeks outlet in the pleasure principal with no regard to reality. It is our awareness of the outside world, our memory, perception and learning. The â€Å"Ego† develops to harmonise the impulses of the id with the demands of reality. It is our awareness of the outside world, our memory, perception and learning. The â€Å"super ego† develops later in varying degrees. It is like a conscience and brings in values and morals from parents and society and enables us to feel guilt. Freud grouped together ego and sexual instincts calling ... ...iar to most of us today. Psychoanalysis is a term that Freud coined in 1896. As a therapist he used mental rather than physical means to achieve behavioural or attitudinal change. One of Freud’s greatest achievements was his capacity to stimulate the creativity of others and his ideas have been developed by his many followers. Where Freud was perhaps wrong was in making psychosexual development so central that all other forms of social and emotional development were conceived as being derived from it. However, despite repeated criticism and attempted refutations of Freud’s work, his ideas remained powerful well after his death and the general way in which psychoanalysis and other forms of psychotherapy are conducted is still based on Freud’s procedure, and remains one of his most enduring legacies. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Storr A  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1996  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Freud†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oxford University Press Stevens R  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1994  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Freud and Psychoanalysis†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Open University Press

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Grieving in Amber by Eavan Boland :: essays research papers

Eavan Boland’s poem â€Å"Amber† was published in the Atlantic Monthly in December of 2005. This poem starts off sad, talking about a death of a friend and how grieving seemed to last forever. Boland shows us this through lines one through five. It then goes on saying that if you think of all the good memories that the grieving process will pass and you can be happy when thinking about the lost friend. Boland’s poem â€Å"Amber† is showing us that grieving shouldn’t last forever and that memories can take away the horrible feelings and bring happiness when thinking about a lost loved one. In the first five lines Boland presents the death of a friend and the writer is grieving â€Å"through seasons and centuries† (line 4), or in other words they are having a hard time getting over the grieving process. She then changes the mood by saying â€Å"On this fine September afternoon† (6). By putting the word â€Å"fine† in she is showing us that grieving is over. She starts talking about an ornament of amber that she is holding and that her friend gave this to her. By saying this she means that her friend gave her all of these memories and she is â€Å"holding† them, or keeping them in her memory. This ornament is the symbol of the memories the writer has of her lost friend. Then the writer is explaining that she has only memories because â€Å"The dead cannot see the living† (11) and vise versa. Boland then brings three images of seeds, leaves and feathers to our minds to present them as memories of a lost friend. In the middle of the poem Boland describes these â€Å"memories† by saying â€Å"as it fell and fell,† (15 and 16). By using â€Å"it† this shows that all of these memories are clumped together as one which makes them stronger. After this she goes on by saying â€Å"which now in a sunny atmosphere seem as alive as they ever were† (17 and 18). This is saying that the memories now bring bright and happy feelings and they seem alive because the memories are so strong that they seem as if they are real. When the writer refers to a Baltic honey this is referring back to the ornament of amber and how she was holding it in her hand, as if memories could be held. She then goes on to tell us a little about the friendship.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Compare aspects of the life of your mother at the age of 15 with the life you have, aged 15

What did your mum do for fun at the age of fun when she was 15? What sort of career prospects did she have? What sort of food would she have eaten and what would she have viewed as cool? This essay is going to attempt to explore the differences between my mum's life at 15 and mine. My mum at 15 went to a boarding school in Devon, and so her leisure time was structured. My mothers TV viewing was decided by two prefects and the headmistress. At 15 I mostly choose what I watch on television and this varies from Eastenders to Big Brother, whereas the highlight of my mothers viewing every week was TOTP. The girls were never allowed into town except for dental treatment and could only go to the shops if the matron's helper was in a good mood and would let them. By the lower fifth (year 10) the year would have its own common room where they would listen to records by the Rolling Stones and Tamla Motown and talk. My mother told me that after half terms and exeats she and her friends having pooled their money together would have midnight feasts. Midnight feasts are now a feature of most sleepovers and shopping in town is a regular occurrence. As for music it has progressed from records to CDs and from the Rolling Stones to the Darkness. Although we do not have a common room we are now from year 10 upwards aloud to be in our form room at lunch. When my mother was 15 job prospects for women were still pretty limited and the expectation was that women should have a job but should give it up once married to look after the house and any children. There were few respectable professions for women. There example are nursing, teaching and secretarial work. This is very different from the prospects for women today. Today so long as you have the qualifications you can get almost anywhere. In 1970 there were no convenience foods such as pizza from the freezer. My mother remembers most mornings being able to have either a cooked breakfast or toast and cereal. At least once a week there would be a roast dinner as well as Sundays, and also a salad once a week. Desserts were traditionally stodgy such as spotted dick and jam roly poly. There were sometimes non-traditional foods such as paella as the school employed a Spanish cook. Today you can acquire most traditional foods at supermarkets as convenience foods though puddings at school still are mostly the same such as chocolate sponge. Roasts are not as frequent and at most schools you can have salad any day of the week, also food from other cultures are quite common. Fashion styles may have changed since my mother was 15 but the fact that if you were not in the most up to date fashions then you are considered ‘Square' has not. When my mother was 15 mini skirts had just gone out of fashion and skirts had gone to the opposite extreme of maxi skirts. Fashions were more fixed, it was either one thing or another and they did not change as often as today. There are 34 yrs between me and my mum being 15 and though some fashions and the names of the bands that teenagers listen to have changed. Teenagers still follow fashion avidly and try to break as many rules as possible even if boundaries have become wider. Prospects and boundaries may have widened but in essence things have stayed the same.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

7 Tips for Writing for Online Readers

7 Tips for Writing for Online Readers 7 Tips for Writing for Online Readers 7 Tips for Writing for Online Readers By Mark Nichol For some people, if a topic interests them, they are quite content to immerse themselves in extensive online articles that are otherwise indistinguishable from print content. Most Web site visitors, however, have a different set of expectations when they read on a computer screen. Nearly every medium has its own rules; here are seven tips to help you write for an online audience, whether you have your own site or blog or whether you submit content to other people’s sites. 1. Write for scanners, not for readers. Before you buy a book, you probably read the jacket copy synopsis, testimonials, the author’s biography. When you pick up a magazine or a newspaper, you quickly peruse the headlines. The same principle applies online: Provide points of entry for scanners headlines, subheadings, bullet lists, captions. Write clear, concise sentences. Keep paragraphs and other blocks of copy short and tight. Most important, keep in mind that visitors may never click over from scanning to reading, so pack as much information as you can into the points of entry. 2. Know your audience. Do you want your readers to geek out about some high tech topic? Do you hope they’ll come back to your site because you rate products effectively and they know they can count on you? Should they leave your site knowing what’s happening in the world today? Is your goal to get them to bookmark your site because you busted their guts with your witty prose? Shape your content accordingly not just how it reads but also how it appears. 3. Design your content. Provide visual clues about organization, intent, and content: Make subheadings smaller than headlines. In a heading for a pros-and-cons list, color â€Å"Pros† green and â€Å"Cons† red. On a site about target shooting, replace the dots in a bullet list with images of real bullets, or, on a gardening site, swap little flowers in place of the dots. But don’t push it your subliminal messaging should be â€Å"See how useful/entertaining this site is?† not â€Å"See how clever I am?† 4. Think like a journalist. One of the principles of journalistic writing is presenting information in an inverted pyramid of vital to trivial, with who, what, when, where, and why (otherwise known as the 5 Ws) right up top. Tell readers what you want them to know, now, and save the background information and the additional details for later. 5. Translate print content. When you upload copy already published on paper, repurpose it for the Internet: Offer points of entry, tighten and divide complex sentences, break up long paragraphs, and cut extraneous content. 6. Be witty sparingly. As much as it hurts a fan of punning and alliteration to write this, leave your sense of humor at the door (then sneak it in later). Straightforward headlines make it onto search engines’ search returns and draw readers in; chucklesome wordplay doesn’t. Save the wacky stuff for after they’ve committed to remaining on your site. 7. Link. Link. Link. When building an argument or providing an example, instead of extensively repeating what has already been published online, insert a link to the source. Don’t fear losing visitors; you’ve followed the rest of my advice, so they’ll come back. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative Conflict"Certified" and "Certificated"5 Examples of Insufficient Hyphenation

Monday, October 21, 2019

Price Discrimination in Health Care Essays

Price Discrimination in Health Care Essays Price Discrimination in Health Care Paper Price Discrimination in Health Care Paper Abstract The price of health care can vary dramatically depending on insurance coverage, and whether the care received was in network, out of network, government funded, or self-pay (Miller, 2012). Price discrimination is used by many industries such as airlines, hotels, and grocery stores with rewards for frequent users, or higher price for convenience or last minute reservations (Tiemstra, 2006). However, efficiency and fairness demand that new ways should be found to avoid price discrimination in health care in order to ensure patients equal access to care and economic justice. Uninsured or self-pay patients should not be charged rates significantly higher than those with Medicare, Medicaid, or insurance. Prices for health care should also be more transparent to allow patients to accurately shop for best prices and values in health care. Imagine a system in which you go to the grocery store and are told that the price you must pay for your groceries is dependent on whether you have a job, and if you have a job the price is dependent on where you work. If you are work for a certain employer the price you will pay is near wholesale, for another retail, another twenty to thirty percent more, and if self-employed or unemployed you must pay a price three to four times higher for these groceries. Unfortunately this is the way our current health system works. Most hospitals charge those without insurance three to four times the price of that paid by those with insurance or government coverage such as Medicare or Medicaid. New ways should be found to avoid price discrimination in health care in order to ensure patients equal access to care and economic justice. Uninsured or self-pay patients should not be charged rates significantly higher than those with Medicare, Medicaid, or insurance. Prices for health care should also be more transparent to allow patients to accurately shop for best prices and values in health care. Price discrimination Price discrimination is the practice of charging different customers different prices for the same product or service. While price discrimination is not necessarily unethical, the price should have commensurate value for the price charged. If this condition is met price discrimination is not necessarily wrong. It can be considered ethical for one to be given a better deal than another. However, if it is used to take advantage of those with a special need or the ignorance of customers it may be unethical. Under the Robinson-Patman Act 1936 it is unlawful when it substantially lessons competition or tends to create a monopoly. This has been cited in numerous lawsuits against hospitals and HMO’s. Because an uninsured person has limited resources to contest hospital rates class action attorneys have tried to obtain class action status for clients with limited success (Anderson, 2007). Many industries and firms utilize price discrimination because it can have a huge impact on company profits. It is much easier today because of improvements in technology to separate patients by demographic information to maximize the amount they are willing or able to pay (Elegido, 2009). Price discrimination is an attempt to get each consumer to pay for the product the highest price he is willing to pay. Price discrimination is common in industries that have high fixed costs and low marginal costs. Setting prices at the level of marginal costs would make it difficult to recover original investment costs. In order for price discrimination to occur there are several conditions that must exist. The producer must have information about what the maximum price of each group of consumers are or have reliable indicators of such. This information is obtained through prices for services set by government diagnosis related groupings for payment that set a near minimum price. The hospital then establishes a charge-master file that is several times more for each item. This may be updated several times a year and is not published for the public. There must not be significant competition from rival firms. For many consumers there are not multiple options for hospital care resulting in limited competition that might lesson cost. Arbitrage must not be possible. The buyer cannot resell the product for a higher price to others (Elegido, 2009). The uninsured or self-pay patient In a study published as a Web Exclusive by the journal Health Affairs, it was determined that approximately half of U. S. bankruptcies, were reportedly attributable to illness or medical bills (Anderson, 2007). It is estimated that three-fourths of these individuals were covered by insurance when they got sick. However, skimpier policies, rising health care costs, and the cancellation of coverage when illness results in job loss have increased the financial risk for those with insurance as well as the uninsured. When patients lose their insurance due to inability to work they become vulnerable to higher self-pay prices. While there are many uninsured that are unable or won’t pay their bills, hospitals pursue those that don’t pay with aggressive collections activities. Price discrimination in health care Hospitals do not charge every patient the same price. Uninsured and self-pay patients are often charged two and one half to four times as much for the same care as those covered by insurance or government plans such as Medicare or Medicaid. This gap has grown substantially since the mid 1980’s (Anderson, 2007). Patients that are uninsured or self-pay are often presented with bills that reflect full charges derived from the hospital’s charge-master file. There are five categories of patients that routinely receive undiscounted bills based on charge-master files created by each hospital. These include those that are international visitors, those that are uninsured, people covered by automobile insurers, people covered by workman’s compensation plans, and those covered by health plans that are lacking contracts with the hospital such as individuals that utilize health care savings accounts or are out of network. Equals should be treated equally in order to satisfy justice and should appropriately balance the gains of trade between buyer and seller with neither side having disproportionate power over the other (Tiemstra, 2006). If prices are directly related to costs and equal for all, the allocation of resources will be more efficient. The ratio of charges to costs measures the relationship between actual charges for services and Medicare allowable charges. In 2004 this ratio for U. S. hospitals was 3. 7 meaning that for every $100 in Medicare charges the average charge was $307. There is considerable variation in hospital charges depending on the type of hospital and the setting, rural or urban. The gross to net revenues overall averaged 2. 57 meaning that collected from all payers, for each $100 collected the initial charge was $257. Since 1984 the charge to cost ratio has increased from 1. 35 to 3. 07 and the gross to net revenues from 1. 25 to 2. 57 in 2004 (Anderson, 2007). Hospital charges have increased faster than costs. Increased charges have not been shown to significantly increase revenues however because as charges rise insurers negotiate for larger discounts and only self-pay patients are expected to pay these higher charges (Anderson, 2007). In Pennsylvania, hospitals collect only about one fourth of what they charge. These discounts are reflected on explanation of benefits forms from insurers. The only ones expected to pay the full charges are often those least able to pay them (Miller, 2012). There is evidence that discounts and price discrimination are making health care less affordable because fixed prices, discounts, and variable reimbursement systems distort normal marketplace competition. Patients and business are the losers as hospitals and health plans try to get bigger to â€Å"win† price negotiation. Insurance is discounted from the standard billed charge, Medicare and Medicaid pay flat rates and those without medical insurance pay the highest charges. When money spent is from somewhere else such as insurance or government coverage there is no incentive for hospitals or patients to control costs and may result in unnecessary medical costs for unneeded tests and procedures when insurance deductibles are met (Lilly, 2011). Cost shifting Cost shift policies in hospitals have resulted in shifting of costs to private patients due to inadequate payments from state and federal government plans such as Medicare and Medicaid. Cost shifting is also use to cover bad debts of unpaid hospital bills. Cost shifting acts like a tax on the costs of private pay patients. The burden of cost shifting falls on non-Medicare and non-Medicaid households in proportion to the sum of their out of pocket expenses and hospital premiums. The government does not assume costs of serving people that are ineligible for government programs but that are unable to pay their bills. They also do not cover common costs for research and teaching. Private pay patients subsidize public program beneficiaries through cost shifting. Because Medicare and Medicaid patients utilize socially valuable resources these costs must be borne by society. These costs may be covered implicitly through cost shifting by price discrimination or explicitly when government taxes are used to finance the full cost (Meyer Johnson, 1983). Hospitals obtain what revenues they can from insurers and those over whom they have little control such as Medicare and Medicaid. They then demand as much as possible from those over whom they have the most leverage. Over fifty percent of health care costs are paid by state and federal governments. This system results in lower incentives to be more efficient and contain costs. Charges for self-pay and uninsured patients are inflated to compensate for discounts given to insurers and low reimbursement rates of Medicare and Medicaid. Public program beneficiaries are subsidized by private pay patients (Lilly, 2011). Recommendations The commercial health industry has called for equitable payment rules for all patients including mandatory rate setting or doing away with rates by diagnosis and cost shifting in favor of transparency and the same rate no matter the payer source. One regulatory approach might be to have the government regulate prices so hospitals cannot charge more based on their type of insurance coverage. Maryland has done this and their hospital costs are lower than other states. However the regulation of prices removes incentives for hospitals to look for innovations to deliver care in a more cost effective way. Another option would be to establish maximum rates that can be charged to all payers for medical care. This may be set by the hospital voluntarily, be set by legislation, or have the rate determined by courts. A single rate would also decrease administrative and collection costs associated with multiple charge rates by payer type. Price transparency has been suggested as a tool to allow patients to comparison shop. Hospitals may increase transparency by limiting the price that can be charged above the Medicare rate. Hospitals could advertise their charge as being a certain percentage above the Medicare rate for comparison. Another approach would be systemic changes that let hospitals charge patients any price but all must be charged the same and prices must be made public. Instead of being restricted to in-network providers, patients could go anywhere but be able to make choices based on quality of care and pricing. Greater transparency in pricing and an ability to make informed decisions based on quality of care and price may allow patients to choose those hospitals that give quality care at lower costs. Transparency in pricing would encourage people to economize on the use of routine health services. These changes would make consumers more aware of and accountable for health decisions based on choice, limits, and patient responsibility (Miller, 2012). Health care reform is necessary and decreasing the use of price discrimination in health care pricing is just one component of those needed. Though the Affordable Care Act 2010 may increase the number of patients with insurance there still will be those that are uninsured. Price discrimination in health care should not be allowed. No patient should be charged more than another for the same service based solely on their payer source. References Anderson, G. F. (n. d. ). From soak the rich to soak the poor: Recent trends in hospital pricing. Health Affairs, 26(3), 780-789. Elegido, J. (2009). The ethics of price discrimination. In 2009 BEN-Africa Annual Conference (pp. 1-19). Accra, Ghana: GIMPA. Retrieved April 21, 2012, from benafrica. org/downloads/Elegido,%20Juan. pdf Geyman, M. D. , J. , Fegan M. D. , C. , Skala, N. (2005, February 2). Bankruptcy Study Highlights Need For National Health Insurance. Http://www. pnhp. org/facts/bankruptcy_study. php. Retrieved April 21, 2012, from pnhp. org/news/2005/february/bankruptcy_study_hig. php Lilly, J. (2011, June 16). Medicare reform; Its the price-fixing, stupid. Www. Americanthinker. com. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from www. americanthinker. com/articles Meyer, J. A. , Bruce, W. R. (1983). Cost shifting in health care: An economic analysis. Health Affairs, 2(2), 20-35. Miller, H. D. (2012, March 04). Price discrimination in health care. : Price Discrimination in Health Care. Retrieved May 04, 2012, from pittsburghfuture. blogspot. com/2012/03/price-discrimination-in-health-care. html

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Symploce in Rhetoric

Definition and Examples of Symploce in Rhetoric Symploce is a  rhetorical term for the repetition of words or phrases at both the beginning and end of successive clauses or verses: a combination of anaphora and epiphora (or epistrophe).  Also known as complexio. Symploce is  useful for highlighting the contrast between correct and incorrect claims, says Ward Farnsworth. The speaker changes the word choice in the smallest way that will suffice to separate the two possibilities; the result is a conspicuous contrast between the small tweak in wording and the large change in substance (Farnsworths Classical English Rhetoric, 2011). EtymologyFrom the Greek, interweaving Examples and Observations The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes . . ..(T.S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Prufrock and Other Observations, 1917)The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason.(G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy, 1908)In the years after World War I my mother had put pennies for Grace [Cathedral] in her mite box but Grace would never be finished. In the years after World War II I would put pennies for Grace in my mite box but Grace would never be finished.(Joan Didion, California Republic. The White Album. Simon Schuster, 1979)For want of a nail the shoe was lost.For want of a shoe the horse was lost.For want of a horse the rider was lost.For want of a rider the battle was lost.For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.(attributed to Benjamin Franklin and others) Effects of Symploce Symploce can add a sense of measured balance to the rhetorical effects achieved through either anaphora or epiphora. Paul demonstrates this in Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they of the seed of Abraham? So am I. Symploce can also string together clauses to create either a catalogue or gradatio.(Arthur Quinn and Lyon Rathbun, Symploce. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication From Ancient Times to the Information Age, ed. by Theresa Enos. Taylor Francis, 1996) Symploce in Shakespeare Most strange, but yet most truly, will I speak:That Angelos forsworn; is it not strange?That Angelos a murderer; ist not strange?That Angelo is an adulterous thief,An hypocrite, a virgin-violator;Is it not strange and strange?(Isabella in William Shakespeares Measure for Measure, Act 5, scene 1)Who is here so base that would be a bondman? If any, speak; for him I have offended. Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman? If any speak; for him have I offended. Who is here so vile that will not love his country? If any, speak; for him have I offended.(Brutus in William Shakespeares Julius Caesar, Act 3, scene 2) Bartholomew Griffin's Perfect Symploce Most true that I must fair Fidessa love.Most true that I fair Fidessa cannot love.Most true that I do feel the pains of love.Most true that I am captive unto love.Most true that I deluded am with love.Most true that I do find the sleights of love.Most true that nothing can procure her love.Most true that I must perish in my love.Most true that She contemns the God of love.Most true that he is snarà ¨d with her love.Most true that She would have me cease to love.Most true that She herself alone is Love.Most true that though She hated, I would love!Most true that dearest life shall end with love.(Bartholomew Griffin, Sonnet LXII, Fidessa, More Chaste Than Kinde, 1596) The Lighter Side of Symploce Alfred Doolittle: Ill tell you, Governor, if youll only let me get a word in. Im willing to tell you. Im wanting to tell you. Im waiting to tell you.Henry Higgins: Pickering, this chap has a certain natural gift of rhetoric. Observe the rhythm of his native woodnotes wild. Im willing to tell you. Im wanting to tell you. Im waiting to tell you. Sentimental rhetoric! Thats the Welsh strain in him. It also accounts for his mendacity and dishonesty.(George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion, 1912) Pronunciation: SIM-plo-see or SIM-plo-kee Alternate Spellings: simploce

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Online education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Online education - Essay Example There is no doubt about the fact that online education is increasing, however, just how effective is it and what exactly are its advantages and disadvantages are questions that need to be answered. There is no doubt that online education has some advantages; whether it is saving a lot of valuable resources, like time and money, or being more convenient for certain students, online education does have an edge over traditional education. Students can log on from their homes and not have to spend so much time commuting to and from the institution, for instance, what is more the institutes do not have to spend so much money on infrastructure when the classes are online, resulting in lowered tuition fees. However, online education also has certain disadvantages. The students taking online courses do not have much, if any, social interaction with their peers, as they would in a traditional classroom, therefore, they might end up not only missing out on normal social growth, but most defini tely also on the total experience of school life, which is considered a rite of passage in our society. Moreover, by missing out on face-to-face instruction by their teacher, the students also have less of a chance to be monitored for comprehension, i.e. it is harder for the teacher to know whether the student has understood the lesson or not.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Law International Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Law International - Research Paper Example This therefore makes the establishment of wholly owned subsidiary an alternative to consider. The legal risks Definitely Maybe will be exposing itself to if it embarks on export of Chocolates to China Some difference in law exist between China and UK and this is bound to affect important areas of business for Definitely Maybe. These areas include taxation, import procedures, currency dealings, agency distribution arrangements, protection of intellectual property and property rights. It is also important to understand that international laws and regulations in China could change and this could be applied differently from that of UK. This means that the interests if Definitely Maybe may be compromised if such changes are not friendly to foreign enterprises exporting their products or services to China. However, there is a way to overcome this potential threat. One of the best ways is for the business to draft a contraction in collaboration with a chine legal firm to ensure its interest s are taken care of (Exim Guru 1). China is very sensitive when allowing the importation of goods that are directly consumed by its people. The government is also very sensitive to lawsuits involving life threatening issues like production of harmful products. Definitely Maybe is therefore exposing itself to the risk of being sued for any harm that its chocolates could cause on the Chinese people.. If the company happens to conduct business with a customer who is not trustworthy and the customer fails to pay, the government does not intervene in any way. In addition, legal actions for the recovery of such debts is often expensive and even impossible. Because of this risk, Definitely Maybe must acquaint itself with the type of law and dispute-settlement procedure which the company will apply. Dealing with a different legal system increases the risks of a foreign company becoming confused and experiencing potential problems arising out of this. It is also worthy to note that the compa ny fails to enlighten itself on the responsibilities and issues surrounding the appointment of intermediaries such as distributor or agent, it could lead to unpleasant legal risks like legal disputes. Such legal issues are likely to arise if the company fails to follow the right procedure when appointing its intermediaries. The company must therefore obtain a list stating these issues and ensure they are included in its contract agreement, specifying the duties and rights of the parties involved. The best form of corporate entity that is ideal for Ultra-educators in China It is more significant for Ultra-educators to have wholly owned subsidiary in China as compared to operating through other corporate entities like a branch. One of the reason is that this form of corporate entity limits the liability of the parent company in UK in regard to the activities of its subsidiary in China. Unlike having a branch, there is some there is separation of legal corporate identities between the parent company and its subsidiary (Klein and Coffee 265). Because of this, the parent company is insulated and cannot be sued for the financial and legal issues of the subsidiary. If the company was to open a branch in China for purposes of physical presence, the parent company will totally liable to the legal and financial liabilities of its branch. This is because a branch is not recognised by Chinese law as an entity that is legally separate from its parent company. A wholly owned subs

Success in Social Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Success in Social Commerce - Essay Example As technology developed, these challenges were being turned into opportunities and over the years to date, there are several changes that have come up due to the changes in technology. Since the major aim is to reach out to the consumers through the social media, the recent years have seen inculcation of online sites such as MySpace, twitter, Facebook and as these have been made accessible through mobile phones (Weintraub & Litwinka, 2013). Defining Success in Social Commerce Success in social commerce includes use of many parameters that shows the changes that have been experienced over the years and the developments that are being experienced. These parameters of success include many issues that comprise a compilation of many components of social commerce. Success also includes use of all the initial objective goals that would make it possible for a strategic success to be realized (Rad, 2011). Clarity can therefore be defined by use of the following very important procedural metho ds; Clarity of ROI Goals Return on investment (ROI) is very important especially when it comes to consideration of the long term strategy of the company engaging in social commerce. One of the factors that will lead to a high success on the ROI realized is the acquisition of new customers. Customers play a very important role in realization of the business prospects. For instance, the current generation specializes in use of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Therefore concentration on advertisement through these will increase the number of customers and hence a high ROI (Berger & Heath, 2007). For instance, Vente-Pricee Company, a European leading Retail Company created a Facebook referral program that made sure that there is a new acquisition of new customers. The second goal that would increase the returns is the capture of new data points and website referrals. Website referral is the sharing of website information where there is an aim of increasing the customer web by increment of the information shared online. Capture of new data points is also a method that would be used to modernize the information system and help install new technology that works fast enough to the best interests of the customers and the company (Duan & GuWhinston, 2008). The outcomes of website referral and data point capture are diverse. According to Liang and Turban (2011), information shared on micro-blogs act as special media that is used to reach out to many individual blogs hence sharing the information. Loyalty program growth is an issue that should be captured in the objectives and therefore aims at retaining the existing customer base apart from addition of more customers. Online business is an issue of the current generation. For instance, to retain loyalty of Facebook users, Carrefour, a leading retail company in the world invented face shopping mostly for those that use Facebook only. Response to customer sentiments is a method that will be used to listen to the customers an d make sure that all the needed changes are made. This ensures that their demands are met hence making the ROI more by virtue of adding value to the needs of the customers (Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, & Silvestre, 2011). Implementation of On-Off the Media Strategy This is a strategy that makes sure that there is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Q A. What do you think are the contributions of post colonial thinkers Essay

Q A. What do you think are the contributions of post colonial thinkers Q B. What quotes from the post colonial thinkers inspire you Q C. How can being of service make a difference in the world - Essay Example al forms of history and culture and the construction of new national identities based on specific local knowledges and histories.† This assertion led the colonized world to be conscious to reclaim the construction of true history and culture which was distorted by the colonizers. One of the prominent post-colonial thinker, Franz Fanon (1925-61) made it popular the branding of a certain type of people, the â€Å"Negro†, which were oppressed, discriminated upon which enabled postcolonial analysis to use a better and more accurate term â€Å"Ethnicity† which is â€Å"less reductive than the more physically based concept of race†. This lead to a more complex analysis and description of the struggle of a certain â€Å"ethnic† group reflecting and recognizing the social, cultural, and religious practices which helped to constitute the cultural identity and context of struggle of particular ethnicity. I find this important because this put ideas into proper perspective that not all colored skin monopolized racism and colonialism. The term â€Å"Negro† is bothersome because it homogenize everything that is colored and categorizes physical features as a marker of identity and it failed to recognize the diversity of cultures within the black community. B. What quotes from the post colonial thinkers inspire you? "explain:" Research two quotations from one or two postcolonial thinkers you have not mentioned in your previous discussion post. Interpret each of the quotes and what you have learned from these. "   ‘As I begin to recognise that the Negro is the symbol of sin, I catch myself hating the Negro. But then I recognise that I am a Negro. There are two ways out of this conflict. Either I ask others to pay no attention to my skin, or else I want them to be aware of it. I try, then to find value for what is bad - since I have unthinkingly conceded that the black man is the colour of evil. In order to terminate this neurotic situation, in which I am compelled to choose

Zara and information system technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Zara and information system technology - Essay Example The increasing competition in clothing and Apparel industry has not shaken Zara so much. In that regard, several questions are abounding as to its survival tactics. It is worth to note that the customer base of Zara is significantly large and dominates the better parts of North America, Europe and parts of Asia. The critical aspect of Zara’s survival tactics is attributed to the strategic emphasis on information technology to track customer demands in this dynamic market. In various stores in North America, Spain, and other market segments, the staff constitutes Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) armed with mobile telecommunication gadgets to gather customer feedback and suggestions for relevant adjustments. This has seen Zara become proactive when it comes to customer’s changing tastes and preferences. Regular update of the customer’s data has yielded a demographic characterized by increasing United States, Mexico, Spain, and Taiwan among others. Online shopping introduced allows customers to choose from the variety and even order customized products. Since the largest customer base of Zara products is in developed nations and emerging economies, it is the obvious use of point-of-sale (POS) system gives important consumer behavior data. The innovative management information system that is reflected in customer base trend across the world is set to carry Zara through the mounting competitive pressure from new entrants and dynamic consumer needs.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Q A. What do you think are the contributions of post colonial thinkers Essay

Q A. What do you think are the contributions of post colonial thinkers Q B. What quotes from the post colonial thinkers inspire you Q C. How can being of service make a difference in the world - Essay Example al forms of history and culture and the construction of new national identities based on specific local knowledges and histories.† This assertion led the colonized world to be conscious to reclaim the construction of true history and culture which was distorted by the colonizers. One of the prominent post-colonial thinker, Franz Fanon (1925-61) made it popular the branding of a certain type of people, the â€Å"Negro†, which were oppressed, discriminated upon which enabled postcolonial analysis to use a better and more accurate term â€Å"Ethnicity† which is â€Å"less reductive than the more physically based concept of race†. This lead to a more complex analysis and description of the struggle of a certain â€Å"ethnic† group reflecting and recognizing the social, cultural, and religious practices which helped to constitute the cultural identity and context of struggle of particular ethnicity. I find this important because this put ideas into proper perspective that not all colored skin monopolized racism and colonialism. The term â€Å"Negro† is bothersome because it homogenize everything that is colored and categorizes physical features as a marker of identity and it failed to recognize the diversity of cultures within the black community. B. What quotes from the post colonial thinkers inspire you? "explain:" Research two quotations from one or two postcolonial thinkers you have not mentioned in your previous discussion post. Interpret each of the quotes and what you have learned from these. "   ‘As I begin to recognise that the Negro is the symbol of sin, I catch myself hating the Negro. But then I recognise that I am a Negro. There are two ways out of this conflict. Either I ask others to pay no attention to my skin, or else I want them to be aware of it. I try, then to find value for what is bad - since I have unthinkingly conceded that the black man is the colour of evil. In order to terminate this neurotic situation, in which I am compelled to choose

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human Resource Management has evolved significantly over recent Assignment

Human Resource Management has evolved significantly over recent decades with an increasing emphasis on contributing to business - Assignment Example The introduction of globalization and the subsequent growth of cross cultural business made a further name change in the employee management department. Now, instead of HRM, Strategic HRM is prominent in the organizational world. Employees are the backbone of any organization. Even though an organization has many other resources, human resources are the most important ones. All the other organizational resources such as machines, money and materials, need the supervision from human resources for proper utilization or mobilization. This paper evaluates different approaches in strategic human resource management (SHRM) and describes the positioning of SHRM in contemporary context. Introduction According to Bratton & Gold (2012), â€Å"Labour is not a commodity. It is people in work organizations who sets overall strategies and goals, design work systems, produce goods and services, monitor quality, allocate financial resources and market the product and services† (p.8). Even tho ugh an organization has many internal and external resources, none of them has the ability to act independently except the human resources. In other words, all the organizational resources can be mobilized properly only under the control of human resources. There is nothing wrong in saying that HR can make or break an organization. Boddy (2008) defines Human Resource Management (HRM) as â€Å"the effective use of human resources in order to enhance organizational performance† (p.354). Because of globalization, majority of the prominent companies are currently operating cross culturally. Outsourcing and offshoring like modern business principles were evolved out as a result of globalization. Exploitation of cheap labor is vital for an organization for staying competitive in the market. Moreover, diverse workforce is common in most of the modern organizations. Management of diverse workforce necessitates restructuring or modifications of many of the existing HRM principles. Ins tead of HRM, SHRM is common in most of the modern organizations. According to Bratton (N.d.), â€Å"Strategic human resource management is the process of linking the human resource function with the strategic objectives of the organization in order to improve performance†(p.37). The ability to stay competitive determines the success and failures of modern organizations. The way of doing business in the past and present are entirely different. SHRM helps organizations to formulate strategies suitable for the changing principles in the organizational world. Different approaches and models are prevailing in the organizational world with respect to the implementation of SHRM. Different approaches in strategic human resource management (SHRM) According to Bratton (N.d.), â€Å"Strategic HRM’ is an outcome: ‘as organizational systems designed to achieve sustainable competitive advantage through people’† (p.46). For example, plenty of American companies ar e currently struggling in international market, not because of the poor quality of the products they produced, but because of the huge price of these products compared to the prices of products from competitors. It should not be forgotten that America is a country in which manpower cost is extremely high. On the other hand, China and India are countries in which manpower cost is extremely low. Nobody has any doubt about the technological dominance of American companies. However, expensive labor preventing American companies from competing effectively in the global market. Currently,

Thought paper based on Buffalo Bill Essay Example for Free

Thought paper based on Buffalo Bill Essay William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) was born on the 26th of February 1846 in Iowa. In Don Russell’s authoritative biography, The Lives and Legends of Buffalo Bill, William Cody’s lineage was traced to Philippe Le Caude of the Isle of Jersey, who married Marthe Le Brocq of Guernsey in the parish of St. Brelades, Isle of Jersey, on September 15, 1692. â€Å"Russell’s research was thorough and exemplary; the notes for his book in the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming, are proof of that. † (Carter, Robert A. p. 11)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Just like the way history was followed in Russell’s book, the movie also follows the basic facts in history and the life of William Cody.   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Also the characters in the movie mostly bear the names of the real people involved in this piece of history, and their actions resemble those of their historical counterparts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The movie does indeed convey the atmosphere and settings of the era which it depicts quite accurately. This is because in the film, the story was simplified to depict the narrative as accurately as possible, and not just only to add drama to the events.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Russell’s book, â€Å"Buffalo Bill’s most remote ancestor who was definitely known was one Philip Legody. Philip Legody’s surname also appears in various surviving records in variations like Mocody, Lagody, McCody, Micody, Gody, Coady, Cody and even Codie. Although the family names are French, the Channel Islands have been British possessions since the middle Ages. No Irish or Spanish in sight; just good English stock. The Cody Family Association’s book The Descendants of Philip and Martha Cody carries the line down to the present day. Buffalo Bill was sixth in descent from Philip. Philip and Martha purchased a home in Beverly, Massachusetts, in 1698, and occupied it for twenty-five years, farming six acres of adjacent land. In 1720 Philip bought land in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, and he and his family moved there, probably in 1722 or 1723. When he died in 1743, his will was probated under the name of Coady. (Carter, Robert A.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Cody’s family moved Kansas about 11 years after he was born, and they settled in what is currently Kansas Territory. Cody’s father died in 1857, and he had to look employment in order to be able to help provide for the family. He started working as a messenger out of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, â€Å"and later was one of the youngest riders for the Pony Express until they were replaced by the telegraph.† (William F. Buffalo Bill Cody.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cody was soon to get work as a messenger boy for a company store at Leavenworth, Kansas which was owned by Majors and Russell. For 3 years, he tried his hand at trapping, and during the Pikes Peak gold rush, he also tried prospecting. In the end, he was not very successful in any of these ventures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1860, Cody was hired as a rider for the Pony Express when Russell, Majors, and Waddell, went into partnership and formed the Pony Express in order to advertise and obtain a contract for a central route for mail to the Pacific. Cody, already acquainted with the principals in this partnership, was hired as a rider. The Pony Express operated from April 3, 1860 to November 18, 1861. The venture operated at a loss and failed to bring the desired contract to Cody’s employers, whose partnership ended in bankruptcy. (Don Russell 1960)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William’s mother died on the 22nd of November 1863, and shortly after that, he enlisted in the 7th Kansas Cavalry at the age of 18, a decision that was apparently influenced by alcohol and his friends. During the Civil War Cody saw action in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Missouri. He served 19 months, including one year of active duty. He fought for two years against the Confederacy. In 1866 he married Louisa Frederici. After being discharged from the army he moved to Salt Creek Valley, Kansas where he soon started serving as a scout and guide. He also used his skills to provide meat for the crews working on the railroad. During this period he fought in as many as sixteen battles with Native Americans, and was hunting guide for the wealthy and famous visiting the West, including Grand Duke Alexis of Russia. (Shufelt, Catherine)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cody wedded Louisa Frederici on the 6th of March 1866, after his army discharge, and he went to work as a scout at Fort Ellsworth for a short time. An old acquaintance of his, James Butler â€Å"Wild Bill† Hickok, was also an employee at Fort Ellsworth at the time. Cody was later to be hired by the management of the Kansas Pacific Railroad in a contract in which he was to kill buffalo to supply food for the company’s railroad track layers for eight months. This job is apparently where the nickname Buffalo Bill originated. A nickname that would later become known around the whole world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a scout for the United States Army, Cody distinguished himself, and was valued so highly in the army that General Phil Sheridan insisted on keeping Cody on the Army’s payroll, even after the campaign ended. This was something unheard of for scouts in the army at that time, and it made it possible for scouts to become acknowledged, and also paved the way for the scout to become an established position in the Army, during the years of the Indian wars. In October 1868, General Sheridan made William Cody chief scout of the 5th Cavalry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a national figure, Cody first began to attract attention when a serial story about â€Å"Buffalo Bill† was published in a New York newspaper in 1869. Then he got the assignment to be a guide for a hunting trip embarked upon by the Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, in 1872. With the press following the Duke’s every move, Cody received a great deal more exposure. This experience was followed by his first trip to the eastern states. He attended a play about himself and was talked into taking part in the performance. Thus began a period of years when Cody alternated between scouting duties and theatrical tours. (Don Russell 1960)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Buffalo Bill realized his ambition of hosting a big outdoor exhibition that contained buffaloes, horses and wagon trains in Nebraska, in 1882. The show consisted partly of theater and rodeo. There were also some circus displays, and the show proved to be altogether a successful one. After that, Cody devoted his life to this show for 30 years, and traveled across Europe, Canada and the United States on the show. â€Å"He was received by European royalty, hailed as a hero, and given the Congressional Medal of Honor. He had diverse business interests, and founded the town of Cody, Wyoming as a tourist attraction.† (Catherine Shufelt)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During the war, William Cody was awarded a Medal of Honor for action against Indians at the South Fork of the Loup River in Nebraska, in 1872. He was later to play an important role in assisting General George Crook’s campaign against the Sioux in 1876. In 1916, however, his name was removed from the record of Medal of Honor recipients, because he we was a civilian, and thus, considered ineligible for the Medal of Honor award. Cody became interested in developing the Big Horn Basin in Wyoming in the 1890s. The Cody Canal was built in 1895, as part of the Shoshone Land and Irrigation Project. The company laid out a townsite, first calling it â€Å"Shoshone.† With the Shoshoni Indian agency in the region this was rejected to avoid confusion. Therefore, in August, 1896 the Cody post office was established, with Buffalo Bill’s nephew, Ed Goodman, as postmaster. The water project led to the building of the Shoshone Dam, which was completed in 1910. The dam was renamed â€Å"Buffalo Bill Dam† in 1946. Buffalo Bill was also instrumental in bringing a rail line to the town of Cody in 1901. (Don Russell 1960)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) died on the 10th of January 1917, in Denver, Colorado, and was buried on Lookout Mountain, which is west of Denver.    References Don Russell. The Lives and Legends of Buffalo Bill. University of Oklahoma Press,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1960. Shufelt, Catherine. WHO was BUFFALO BILL? Carter, Robert A. Buffalo Bill Cody: The Man behind the Legend. William F. Buffalo Bill Cody. (Retrieved from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Peter Honey And Mumford Learning Styles

Peter Honey And Mumford Learning Styles Learners have developed different learning styles which suites them best to take studies. Each learning styles has its own strength and weaknesses which differ from the others and It is essential for every learner to know about his or her learning styles because this helps to see areas of weaknesses and look for possible solutions to that weakness. Literature overview There are different theories on learning styles which are David Kolb, Peter Honey,Alan Mumford, Anthony Gregorc , Chickering and Gameson.,Carl Jung and Richard M.Felder . Kolbs learning style According to Kolbs original model, Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience, (David A. Kolb, 1984:1). He introduces four learning styles which are Concrete Experience it is when a learner has a new experience compared to previous experience and has to do .Reflective observation these varies between understanding and previous experience. Abstract Conceptualization Reflection gives rise to a new idea or a modification of an existing abstract concept (Kolb, 1984:1) this is when a learner adjusts to new learning styles. Active Experimentation here the learner uses the knowledge acquired in the real world. Kolbs learning styles are therefore divided into four categories which are assimilators convergers, accommodators and diverges. Assimulators are learners that learn best using sound logical information An assimulator greatest strength lie in creating theoretical models Other strengths are understanding what they are working on this gives them a better direction to solve problems. Curious and enjoys problems this give them more knowledge as more questions are answered. Plans well in advance for exams this makes them more ready to tackle problems. Can organize facts and material well .However they have they have some weaknesses which includes the need of too much information before getting down to work, does not like to try new approaches ,not creative and keeps a number of problems to himself. Collects to much information. Convergers uses practical applications there need what is relevant to them .These one are more interested with facts and desire to go straight to the point. Can wor k well alone which makes them less dependent on others. Get things done in time this does not involves them in late submissions. Pays attention to detail .However there have a number of weaknesses which are Lack of imagination .Not very interested in presentation of your work. Believes that there is only one way of doing things. Does not like others ideas. Accommodators are those who want hands on experiences .Divergers are the one that learn best when they are allowed to observe and collect things from a wide range of collection these learners observe and collect. They have the following strengths unhurried that is there are more stable to situation like exams .Listens to others and shares idea this give them more ideas and different points of view. They are good at seeing the big picture. They can see long-term implications of things. They can see new ways of doing things and has creative solutions. They can multi-task .However they have the following weaknesses they forget the im portant details while understanding the big picture .Does not organize work well .Does not like work or revision timetables.Forgets to bring important books. Gregorc Learning Styles There are divided into three categories which are concrete random, concrete sequential, abstract sequential, abstract random. On concrete random according to Gregorc,They use their instincts and intuition when making decisions.(Gregorc)The learner is divergent ,experimental, inventive therefore the learner is much more involved in creating and acting and usefulness and application of learning .They have a lot of questions about what surrounds them .Concrete sequential efficient and well informed and the learner is more practical and active in making things work. According to Gregorc,They notice and recall details easily and remember facts ,specific information ,formulas, and rules with ease,(Gregorc)They do not rely more on others and hardworking and their work is consistent and has facts. Abstract sequential reflects on information and think about it. According to Grgorc,they prefer systematic processes and are thorough in their work,(Gregorc) .Abstract random is imaginative and ref lect on an previous experience, emotional and holistic .According to Grgorc,they prefer are very perceptive students ,(Gregorc)This one visualize and is intuitive when dealing with ideas . Chickering and Gamson From research there are seven learning styles which are visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social and solitary. According to ( Chickering and Gamson, 2012: 1 ) there is visual/spatial which prefer using pictures and spatial understanding That is one uses visual abilities to learn something for example understanding the demand law by seeing cartoons pictures or lecture videos however this is an disadvantage to the blind. For visual there are helpful tips like turning notes to pictures and making mind and concept maps Aural /auditory-musical is when one prefer using sound and music as a learning style One can learn from playing recorded sound tracks and the helpful tips are repeating materials out loud and in your own words .Verbal /linguistic :You prefer using words, both in speech and writing, These one understand more using their ears , logical(mathematical) prefer using logic, reasoning and systems these prefer facts not theories and they should be convergers Social (interpe rsonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal) prefer to work alone and use self-study. They enjoy independency. Richard M.Felder learning styles These learning styles are in seven categories which are active ,reflective ,sensing ,intuitive ,visual ,verbal and sequential learners .Active learners best understand by practising something which is active with it .For example discussion the in group works .They also like the idea of explaining to other learners and application of knowledge. Reflective learners are more independent and they prefer to figure out things alone than in groups. Sensing learners they like to solve problems and dealing with facts that connect to the real world. Intuitive are innovative and can easily get bored with repetitions .Visual learners they learn best using diagrams ,films and pictures. Verbal learners uses sound and audio and get more out of sound .Sequential learners they understand things step by step and easily gets confused well a step is missed or not understood well. Global learners like the big picture and collects large amounts of information without seeing the connections between them an d they get it later. Peter Honey and Mumford learning styles They divided learning styles into four categories which are activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist. Activists like new ideas and experience and they enjoy to act first .They learn best when they work in team work and given challenges and like the idea of leading discussions a lot. They learn less in lectures, thinking on their own and writing. Reflectors like to use different perspectives and learn best by observing for example groups explanations. They learn less when they are leading a discussion .Theorists learn best when they are have clear understanding of a situation and when they are able to ask question to create ideas. Pragmatists they are curious about new things and learn best when give an example to copy .They learn less when there are no recognized benefits and when there are no guidelines Carl Jung learning styles These styles are divided into four learning styles which are extraverts, sensors, thinkers and judgers. He extraverts like to try ideas and thinks on the outer world of the people. Sensors are practical they love details and facts they are also known as intuitors. Thinkers make their choices based on logic and facts. Judgers works with targets. From a research I discovered that I am an accommodator with a number of weaknesses and strengths which I need to adjust. The weaknesses examples are as follows ;does not check work, prioritize well ,neglects subjects that does not interest and not good. My areas of strength like getting involved, working well with people, ask a lot of questions, enthusiastic A diverger is creative and good in seeing the big picture listen to other and share ideas but he or she forgets the important details while understanding the big picture, does not organise w By completing the graph I found that Iam an accommodator and on the positive side an accommodator is totally involved in something of interest for example if he has passion for Maths he or she is mostly likely to spend much of his or her time working out Maths problems, likes to take risk of his or her ideas this means that an accommodator is to much experimental for example writing an exam without being fully prepared. Has a lot of curiosity that as he or she asks a lot of questions and this the accommodator an advantage because as many questions come also means more answers.An accommodator works quickly and he or she is active this benefits a lot in exam time management. Has the capabilities of using senses well that is seeing, feeling and hearing .Which is an advantage if the person does not have any of the disability on senses .However of the other hand an accommodator has the following weaknesses like poor planning of work in advance this is a disadvantage as the accommodator is most likely not to get assignments properly done and does not pre-read before lectures, rarely checks work this leads to many errors in writing essays and assignments, does not understand the question but hurries to write for example answering a question wrongly because of assuming what the question wants this results in loss of marks . An accommodator has a poor time management for example attending lectures late ,forgetting assignments .D oes not prioritise well and easily get distracted with circumstances this diverts all attention to something of a lower priority for example concentrating more on reading books which does not relate to the actual subjects. This accounts for the accommodators failure By recognizing and understanding your own learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to you. This improves the speed and quality of your learning. This can be aided by practicing helpful tips like taking study breaks and physical exercises,

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Russia :: essays research papers

As I picked up Vodka, Tears, and Lenin’s Angel, by Jennifer Gould, I thought that I was about to read a novel that would be boring with nothing but facts and statistics. As I began to read it, the novel became much more interesting. Jennifer Gould, a journalist, decided to go to Russia. She was there to research Russia and its culture. I would have never believed some of the situations and conversations she had with so many people. The topics that made me change my mind about Russia in general were the Internat, the cars and drivers, the homeless, and sexpionage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While reading about the Internat, I started to get disgusted. One of the reasons for this is that Russia sent healthy children to orphanages with ill kids. They were not like orphanages hear in the United States, with reasonable housing conditions, education and a chance to live with a family to provide them the better things in life. Instead, as a punishment they would be beaten, or sent to a psychiatric facility and drugged or tied to their beds for months. The law will not allow foreigners adopt healthy children. In place of the healthy kids, they would find a Western doctor that would diagnose the sick children as healthy. I believe that is not far to the children or the family who is adopting the child. Also, in the summer the orphanages close down and the majority of the kids go to camp. Once the camps are filled the extra kids get sent to psychiatric facilities. A man named Vitaly Llynin told Jennifer, â€Å"Some children are sent to the orphanages because they are too hot-te mpered and get into too many fights.† The children say that they do not understand why they go to these hospitals. An administrator believes that the children deny the fact that they are there because they are ashamed. None of the children receive counseling. Instead they are given antidepressants and tranquilizers. I personally can not believe that any person would think that this kind of action is okay.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another subject that I found a little disturbing was how the people drive and who are the drivers. To me, Moscow sounds like its road are worse then Pennsylvania. There are no traffic laws. People can make illegal anywhere they want. Streets turn from one way to two way frequently. They have many potholes.

Friday, October 11, 2019

10 Ways to Prevent Accident

10 Ways to Prevent an Accident Accidents are unpredictable happenings that can catch anyone off-guard when you least expect it. That's why the simple, yet so overlooked prevention methods need to be taken into consideration before going on the road. 1. Carefully look both ways — twice — before entering an intersection. It’s easy to miss an oncoming car at first glance because it’s hidden by your car’s windshield frame. A second look only takes a second and it might avoid a serious collision. 2.Don’t accelerate into an intersection the instant the light turns green. This is a good way to get rammed by someone running the red light who’s coming from the other direction. 3. Look right before pulling out. After waiting for traffic from the left to clear before you make your right-hand turn, don’t forget to look to the right again just before you proceed. Pedestrians or cars may have suddenly materialized in your path while you were waiting to turn. 4. Anticipate unexpected changes in traffic.For example, if you’re in a fast-moving lane with empty road ahead and the next lane over is backed up, be prepared for impatient motorists to dart into the lane in front of you. 5. Know your blind spots. Find out where your blind spots are when checking the road behind you in your mirrors. You might have to turn to look directly into the lanes beside you to avoid missing something left undetected by your mirrors. This is particularly important when changing lanes — don’t just rely on your mirrors. 6. Watch other drivers’ blind spots.Practice extra caution when passing large vehicles, such as semi trucks, which have less maneuverability and even larger blind spots. If you can’t see a truck’s mirrors, chances are its driver can’t see you. 7. Watch for children and pets. Pay special attention to posted speed limits around schools and in residential areas; children and pets may unexpectedly dart into the street. 8. Don’t tailgate. Leave enough space between yourself and the car ahead of you, when traveling and when stopped. On the highway, this may save you from a fender bender.Remember to leave even more room if the roads are slick. If you stop on a hill behind a car with a manual transmission, the extra room may save you from being rammed if the car slides back. Leaving yourself extra room can also help you make a quick exit if you’re approached by a carjacker in a dubious neighborhood. 9. Keep your car operating safely. Don’t procrastinate about performing safety maintenance and repairs on your car. Check tire tread depth and pressure regularly. Have your brakes checked and wheels aligned as soon as they need it. 0. Go back to school. Go to a high-performance driving school to learn accident avoidance maneuvers and how to control skids. Understanding how to make your car do what you want it to do in emergency situations could save your life. These tips can help you prevent a car accident, although they are not fool-proof. You can control your own actions on the road, but not the actions of other drivers. Nevertheless, taking steps to keep your driving at its best can keep you – and others around you – safer on the roads. [pic]

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Tears of blood

The drink just lies upon the smooth, flat, varnished table where the suns reflection casts an eerie shadow of the ice, cold drink. If you glance closely, the water condensation slowly, slides, straight down the can leaving a puddle of water behind. To you this may seem like an ordinary alcoholic drink, but for one girl it is her deepest fears come true†¦ â€Å"I'm floating†¦I'm soaring†¦over beautiful fresh, green fields and past busy cities. The wind is carrying me to my dreams on the horizon. The world is spinning below me, such beauty from above. I'm floating†¦ I'm soaring†¦ through the soft, duvet of white clouds. The world, in all its pollution, poverty and corruption, is still beautiful. Which means, I'm beautiful behind my scars and faults and insecurities†¦ yes†¦ I am still beautiful.† She sat on the edge of her blue-patched bed, thinking, â€Å"This is my sanctuary†. For those few moments of silence going through her mind, she felt nothing could destroy this utterly perfect feeling. Nothing, nothing could bring her down from her holy, heights of freedom. â€Å"I am air. I am nobody. I am free.† But, to her sudden horror, † What†¦ I don't understand† She started jerking back to the cold, hostility, of real life. † Good-morning to you all, on this fine Thursday. The suns out and the birds are singing. So why not win a chance of a lifetime†¦ 2 weeks in Italy just ring up†¦0800800958†³ She suddenly remembered her dream, and that word, dream, haunts her. â€Å"It was just a dream, everything is only ever a dream.† She thought as she sighed, and looked around to what her life was. A tiny room, with just about enough space to stand up in, but to her that wasn't important this was her sanctuary. She comes up here everyday and locks herself in her room, crying, trying to run away from all the evil and betrayals, which go on downstairs. After a few moments, she slowly managed to drag herself out of bed and stumble into the bathroom. The lingering embrace of sleep pulled down her eyelids as she looks in the mirror. ‘Another morning, another day gone by' she thought. â€Å"TAMICA!† shrilled a woman in her late forties. â€Å"Yes, mother†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she replied. â€Å"If you don't bloody hurry up you'll be late for school, and don't expect me to be home when the school rings wondering where you are. By the way, it's your responsibility to make sure your so called father does not leave the house drunk with the car keys and make sure all the back doors are locked when you come back from school, I don't want your father making a show of himself, understood?† â€Å"I'll see, depends init†¦' she replied with a since of insecurity. † What on earth to you mean I'll see, you do what ever I say or do not except food in the evening. It is your fault he drinks anyway.† By that time, she had, had enough. Tamika knew if see opened her mouth anymore she just end up crying first thing in the morning. So she hurried downstairs and walked out the house without any breakfast. With her head down throughout the entire journey from home to school, thinking about how possibly it could be her fault her father drinks himself stupid everyday†¦ Time passed by so fast that before and she knew it, it was three o'clock. She slowly walked through the quiet, dark streets dreading what would happen to her when she got home. As she got closer, and closer before she reached the two lion statues outside what seemed to be a peaceful, loving home. It seemed to her that the lions were protectors of her home. They sit outside day in day out protecting the house from predators, except what they do not know is that the predators are already inside waiting for a piece of innocent flesh. She bravely built up the courage to turn the hard, cold key to open the front door. Then, all of a sudden she could hear the taunt of the piano in the background, and fearful greenish liquid took over her body like adrenaline. It started feet first moving slowly and painfully up her spine, sending shivers to her brain. She opened her eyes, to find broken glass and cutlery all over the kitchen floor, and there in the far distance was her father. He was five foot five with white hair with a big beer belly. From the far distance, he looked perfectly normal but as she took a step closer she could see the cold can of beer in his hand and beside him lay a mountain of empty cans. She looked around at mess†¦ â€Å"I can't take it, I have had enough†¦aaaaarrrrrrggg!† She slowly tried walking towards the stairs, trying ever so hard not to be noticed by the predator. She had to be quiet as a mouse, but at the same time as, sly as a fox. She took one giant leap up. She could feel the stairs changing into what seemed to be an escalator and it was going up! She took a looked up only to find she could see soft duvet of velvet clouds covering the suns rays. This leaded to her sanctuary. She took one long, hard glimpse down at the broken home. Inside her dimly lit room she sat numbly listening to the soft sounds coming from her radio. So much emotions and thoughts were playing through Tamikas mind. All the horrible things her mother said about her to her face and behind her back, and just looking at her father like that everyday, tops it up. Her friend's dogs were better parents then they wear. A small crystal clear tear fell down her left cheek. She knew what she had to do to get ride of such pain and emotion. She went to the cupboard, slowly opened the first draw and hidden on top were no one could see was a dull, dirty, dark brown magnet†¦ but it was not the magnet, which would release all the pain, it was underneath the magnet that was so important. A small, shimmering, sharp blade just lay there. How can such a small object cause such pain in the world? Tamica stared, silently at the blade. With no thought to what she was doing the sharp lustrous edge slid, smoothly into her pale skin she watched absent-mindedly as a steady dribble of cherry red blood drawled gradually down the side of her wrist. As she pushed the blade in deeper, the stream of blood quickly intensified. The surge of anguish caused her to cringe. A chorus of words went through her mind†¦ â€Å"Pain, Pain, go away, Let me smile for just one day, Should that day I never see, Let my blood run cold and free† With each new drop, the circle of blood grew proving that she was serious. There were now six cuts her wrists each as deep as each other, and only millimetres apart. Her blood- stained fingers reached for the once shiny, silver blade, which was now covers in dark blood. She contemplated her next move. She pressed with the strongest amount of force she had inside her. This had given her more blood and pain then the others, but the scars were massive and impossible to conceal. After a few minutes the bloody blade broke through her skin slowly and a new thick red line quickly appeared. A wave of relief gushed through her body and escaped through her disfigured wrist. She laid back closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of complete relief. All her emotions and thoughts cleared. But nevertheless she knew this sensation would be over in a matter of seconds. She would have trouble walking tomorrow, but Tamica never thought that far ahead. As she gazed down at her disfigured limb, she was revolted, repulsed and ashamed that she could do such a thing. Then as she continued to stare another feeling had surface. The feeling of pride. She swiped the area where the blood was now drying and watched in astonishment as fresh cherry red blood drizzled from her open wounds. A renewed sense of relief consumed her. She had been cutting for so long now that she had lost sight of reality. She no longer controlled the blade, but the blade control her†¦

Does rap and rock music cause increased violent or promiscuous behavior Essay

Rock and rap music have been perceived by some people to be the cause of increased violent and other anti-social behavior especially to the young people. Some argue that such perception is an overstatement as there are many other factors inbuilt in human beings that precipitate their misbehaviors. Crime in society is caused by a wide variety of factors. According to Michael Moore an Oscar award winner and author of Bowling for Columbine, the system has been organized in a manner that it attracts and perpetuates crime in the society. The US has a record of so many deaths due to gun use. Extensive fear is imposed on the masses. To Moore, the current killings are not due to poverty, unemployment or diversity in ethnicity. The mass media can be blamed for the situation. It is responsible for instilling in the people’s mind that violence is appropriate. Development of a gun culture is also to blame for the increase killings. It is very easy to access and own a gun in US. The system has enabled extensive gun ownership on the grounds of self-defense. (Moore M, 2002) However, this viewpoint is contradictory as other countries have easy access and ownership of guns but they do not experience the rates of killings that the US faces. The blame could be put on action movies, rock stars with their music and video games but other societies have this too. Rock artists like Marilyn Manson do not agree that music is to blame for increased deaths. Marilyn is blamed on the increased violence especially in schools. Though the music does not actually cause the death per ser it instills hostility in the children minds as it could be misinterpreted. Parents are failing in their role to raise responsible children. It is irresponsible to delegate the guidance role to the media. Guidance ought to be given to such children so that they can rationally sieve what is right from what is wrong from the media. Inequalities between the rich and the poor is a clear problem in the US where by more concerns are raised when the impact is on the rich. It creates the impression that poor is worthless and deserves no respect. Proponents of rap music argue that rap music does not in any circumstance command or direct people to choose violence. Liability to distinguish what is false or fiction from reality would lead to more youths being engaged in crime or other anti-social behavior. People should be rational enough to see the effects of their behavior on the society at large. (Moore M, 2002) Some rap music portrays women as the weaker sex and they are viewed as prostitutes to be used as sexual objects. Some artists can be bad influence though not all. The generalization that all rock or rap music causes criminal activities is an understatement as some sing on values and morals that are needed for good citizenship. Rap music can encourage promiscuous behavior especially because most artists use vulgar language on sensitive issues and they also portray nude women. Some teenagers may identify themselves with the women in such movies or videos resulting to increased promiscuity. Women in such movies who are depicted as whores do so to earn their living and they cannot be crucified for that. Respective government ought to work hard to improve their system to accommodate more people in the job market. (Wingwood et al, 551) The youthful generation is thrilled by the entertainment sector. Music influences behavior regardless the age gender or ethnicity. Greater impact is on those with little or no determined values. Some rappers are considered â€Å"cool† and are consequently very influential on attitudes on fashion, sex and violence. Poor children or youngsters from the minority groups lack proper role models as they grow up. They may turn to music for values determination and identification. Parents should install morals on their children so that the music has no space for that. Homes that are not well organized contribute to change in internalizing morals. Bad company at school and the teenagers exposed to vulgar information are more likely to engage in sexual activities at an earlier stage. However this viewpoint is counteracted by the argument that those who allow music to form their reasoning were initially affected. This is to say that rap music would add ‘promiscuous’ behavior to those already in that capacity. (Anderson A et al, 90) Rock music has since a long time ago been associated with the youth and antisocial behavior like rebellion. It was initially meant to create more awareness in the society. Rock and roll was feared to promote aggression, bigotry deviant sexual behavior, homicide and drug use. Rap music has its roots in the African music and hence viewed as rising to fit their appropriate needs or to raise their needs. Rap music has been blamed for not only degrading women but also for the increased sexual behavior among youngsters. This has other effects like unwanted pregnancies and spread of diseases. Increased sexual behavior could be due to the words used in the songs as well as the obscene pictures. Men are portrayed as sexually insatiable and sex is seen as inconsequential. Teenagers may act on the messages communicated, as they are very specific on the sex roles. Girls repeatedly exposed to these songs are likely to take submissive roles and allow the disrespectful treatment from their partners. Boys are likely to internalize the portrayed roles of exploiting girls and consider such acts as normal. (Stephens D & Few L, 251) Censorship would be inappropriate for the young adults but parents should offer guidance to their children as a step to install morals. Listening to their side of story so that the communication is 2-way would help them better understand the content of such music and thus enable them react accordingly. Although allowing the African America musicians to have a voice was a way of accepting and respecting the views of a minority race, the content of their songs was alarming and raised much attention. Exposure to these songs before children are of age will have detrimental effects on the children. (Hayes G, 12) According to a research by Ralph J.  Diclementle, PHD of Emory University School of public health, girls who listened to rap music or watched rap videos were more likely to indulge in anti-social behavior. (Fox R, 2) Many teenagers are attracted to hip hop and rap music especially from artists like Kanye west, Snoop Dogg and Timbaland. The hip hop music is attractive due to its beats and catchy rhythms. Rap music consists of more rhymes and poetry. Hip hop is more attractive because the beats are attractive. Most of the teenagers are attracted by the beats and the fact that it is danceable. The lyrics are also quite catchy. Rap music can have positive effects on the listeners for instance it can cause a creative mindset and incorporate different styles and trends. Rock music is popular to people of all ages. Its beats, lyrics and tones attract a number of people. Many parents disregard hip hop music and link it with discrimination against women, bad influence and violence. However many parents accommodate rock music because they are familiar with it as most of them grew up with it. Rock music is not as danceable as hip hop and most people sing it along or listen to it. Hard rock is loud and preferred mostly by the young people while many due to its softness prefer soft rock. Rappers are accused of not producing quality music since they do not emphasize on information or educative music. They instead of clearing the stereotype reinforce it by their music for instance Notorious BIG’s song that he is ‘considered a fool because he dropped out of high school’ others claim to ‘drop out of school for the big wallets’. They offer confusing information to the young generations who may think that there is an easy way of life. This could precipitate violence when such people become over ambitious but lack the means to attain their goals. However not all rap artists discard education, some like J- Live who was previously a teacher knows the value of education and instills it to his listeners through his music. Unlike BIG, J-live tells the young to ‘load their brains’. (Johnson J et al, 30) Some rap music can be beneficial. It teaches people using real life experience. This way people can be able to learn from other people’s mistakes or good deeds and hence respond accordingly. Some rap artists warn on the effects of drug use while insisting on the advantages of hard work. This instills on the teenager or youths the importance of hard work. It can be inspirational as it tells of never quitting regardless of the tough times a head. Gangster rap portrays the way of life in the urban nature, which is at times violent. It tries to impose that to survive in this kind of environment people need to consider their own self interests which at times entails taking the law in their hands. Money and power are portrayed as basis for respect in society. Gangsta rap praises the evildoer who does not abide to laws or regulation. It results to increased violence because it seems to praise or support crime, drug and killings. (Anderson A et al, 965) The answers to whether rap music affects behavior depend on who is answering it. Supporters of rap like the artists would claim that their music only portrays what is actually happening in the society. However the effect of rap music on behavior is similar to the effects of pornography and video games. Lack of evidence that rap music actually results to violence or promiscuous behavior makes the claim quite weak. These music creates a resigned mode where there seems to be no hope for society due to an adamant attitude towards social change. It could have positive impacts if people thought of what became of their society and what can be done to improve. The rap music containing violence may affect youth’s behavior; it may create a greater acceptance of the use of violence where they embrace it as a way of life or something normal. Rappers advocate for their songs by saying that being silent about what is actually happening in the society does not solve the problem. To them the music is a reflection of the frustration and pain that is faced in the ‘ghetto-life’. Music artists are viewed as heroes and teenagers, yearn to be like them. Some end up committing suicide, homicide on public shootings to prove they can be like their heroes. Research has showed that excessive exposure to sexual activity influences the teen’s perception to sex and this could lead to more indulgence in risky and sexual activities. Music does affect people’s behavior in many ways including the subconscious mind and consequently influences people’s view on the society. Music can be used to alter moods. Just as it is used to encourage or motivate athletes it can increase violence. To the rappers the music reflects, distills and amplifies the social realities at its primary or basic level and then reincorporates it into that reality. To them the outsiders or those away from the ghetto cannot understand them since the do not understand their plight. The society has maintained inequalities that have adverse effects on its people. Teenagers who listen to lots of music especially rap which may consist of degrading sexual messages are more likely to start sex indulgence earlier than their counterparts without such exposure. Rock and rap artists are at times convicted of violence. For instance Snoop Dogg had an incidence with the law enforcement officers due to violence. Since the young people may consider him a hero they may indulge in violent activities to ape him. A research by a Rand Corporation and published by the American Journal of Public Health, found that adolescents who listened more to this music progressed faster into indulging to sexual behavior than those who did not listen to such music. Listening to such music affects all adolescents regardless of their gender or ethnicity. Music therefore plays an important role in the psyche of young adults. (Barongan C & Hall GCN,195) A research also showed that teenage African American girls who were exposed to rap videos or music were more likely to abuse alcohol and engage in promiscuous behavior. Their body image would be negative and the chances of having multiple partners could be higher. Greater awareness and education is needed on the risks involved or associated to the media exposure. Evidence of more African American involved in violent or criminal behavior can be seen in their numbers in prison. Rap artists are disgusting to some when they talk of women degradation when they boast of having enough women at their disposal. The adolescent age is where teenagers are establishing their identity and the kind of music they listen to affects their identity. Peer influence reinforces the trend of music teenagers will be accustomed to. Another aspect that rap music portrays is killing of the police and black-to-black violence where killing-using guns is deemed appropriate. It is considered racist music that tries to fight corruption and discrimination from the dominant white society. The community so created is hopeless and results to drugs violence and promiscuity, which in turn results to teen pregnancy. (Anderson A et al, 85) Several scholars’ doctors and researchers did the study on African American women in 1996-1999 and the effect of music. Girls exposed to rap music were more likely to take drugs, have problems with the law and are prone to sexually transmitted diseases. According to the researchers, girls who were more exposed to rap music were more likely to hit a teacher, get arrested and have sex with multiple partners. Parents’ failure to monitor the teens and the frustrations of lack of job opportunities precipitated the violence further. (Wingwood G & Disclemente L, 433) Sociologists have also established that music affects the health, attitudes and behavior of teenagers. They not only listen to the music but also live it. Music is used to express ideas or narrate stories. On average teens listen to music approximately 40 hours in a week. The hours daily provide ample time to change their perception about life. Not all teens understand what the music really means and different teens have varied meanings to the words in such songs. Censoring such music to protect the innocent teenagers would not bear much fruit. This is because it would be faced by much protects on the grounds of hindering or being against the freedom of expression rights. Again, even when the music is not played in the radio stations it is still played elsewhere and thus it is still accessible. Due to peer influence it would be hard to monitor and prohibit what one’s children listen to. An appropriate measure would be to explain the consequences of what the music is all about and engage the children in critical thinking. For music to have a positive or negative effect on an individual, the individual must have a certain degree of affinity in it. Personal choice forms a critical part in such decision-making. However, the use of visuals reinforces what is heard. Studies show that rap music could affect men’s perception towards women to the extent where after women are raped they could argue that the women provoked the men by way of dressing. A study carried out in a college campus in the U. S where men and women were exposed to rap music both hard and soft that involved questionnaires on their perception to songs that were gender biased. Men were proved to react more to stereotypes after exposure to such music and videos. Women proved to be more accommodating and submissive to the male. Words commonly raised include bitches and whores and this attracts the attention of quite a number of people. Exposure to rap music comprises of violence for instance murder. (Cole J & Gy Shefall, 40) In 2000, the American academy of pediatrics issued a joint statement on the effects of violence through entertainment means on children. It made this conclusion connection between aggressive character and violence in the media. In the studies reports were made from the general office as well as the mental health department that the government should put in place policies that would protect its people, as the media violence would ruin it. (AAPCC, 315) According to Leonard a psychologist the effects of violence of the TV and aggression is cumulative. The effect of rap music leads to aggression in one’s later life. However it is difficult to tell if music actually influences sexual promiscuity, drug use or violent behavior in cases where the teens do not comprehend the meaning of the lyrics.